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A watercolour painting of a river bank with bushes and a flock of birds, represeting sustainability leadership

Sustainability Leadership Skills

A 10 session accredited course covering key skills in sustainability, personal development and leadership.

Do you want to embed sustainability in your career or workplace? Are you looking for new skills to transition into a different role?
Wherever you are on your learning or career journey, our Sustainability Leadership Skills Programme is for you. 

Having such a holistic approach to the subject has been incredibly valuable.


An interesting and thought-provoking course that gives you the tools you need.


What is the Sustainability Leadership Skills Programme?

Sustainability Leadership Skills Programme knowledge wheel

At a glance:

  • Ten, 2 hour sessions, live online

  • Interactive workshops with a mix of skills application, exploratory practice & lecture-style teaching.

  • CIWM supported & membership

  • Online platform with individual resources & activities to support learning

  • An active network with online forum

  • A certificate to showcase your skills

Course Content Overview

Aligned to the GreenCorp Competence Framework and Inner Development Goals, the Programme supports professional journeys to Chartered Environmentalist via support from the CIWM.

1. Foundations of Sustainability 

Setting the scene for the sustainability landscape that we work and live in. ​

Skills and Values

  • Identify and articulate the role of values and transferable skills in effective sustainability change

  • Review the alignment of our own values and skills with the needs of a sustainable future 

Environmental Sustainability

  • Assess individual and collective impact on nature 

  • Review organisational approaches to environmental sustainability

People and Planet

  • Consider the implications of climate justice

  • Look at sustainability as a holistic concept  

  • Experiment with a transdisciplinary approach to sustainability challenges 

2. Framing the Future

Here we explore different perspectives to broaden and enhance our sustainability solutions. Becoming creative and the critical role of culture in shaping what success means.

Creativity & Future-Thinking

  • Recognise the role of creativity in achieving a sustainable future

  • Identify expected, alternative & ideal visions of change

  • Work collaboratively to create inclusive & shared ideas

Systemic Thinking

  • Apply systems thinking principles to sustainability 

  • Identify examples of systems-based solutions including circular economy and doughnut economics 

Ethics, Decisions and Culture​

  • Explore the role of culture, upbringing and circumstance in shaping our values and actions 

  • Analyse and apply key ethical frameworks to sustainability decisions

  • Create a decision-making framework to support future practice. 

3. Collaborating for Change

Here we explore how we can collaborate to manage projects responsibly, and connect with others using nature as an inspiration to foster community-grown solutions. 

Responsible Project Management

  • Explain the key aspects of responsible project management

  • Apply core project management tools 

  • Examine and identify the potential benefits and disbenefits of proposed action 

Inclusive Communication​

  • Demonstrate active listening and empathy when collaborating with others 

  • Build stakeholder maps and create a shared values-driven vision of success 

  • Explore the principles of equity, inclusion and diversity and use frameworks to support them 

4. Leadership and Action

We consider how to build resilient practices that support us and others to work sustainably and not burn out. Alongside this, we will recognize our own journey as a sustainability leader ready to thrive in the green transition.

Resilience in Change

  • Explain and apply effective communication principles, backed by research 

  • Recognise the emotional implications of sustainability and the tools that can support 

Sustainability Leadership​

  • Assess own impact on nature and the environment and steps to progress action

  • Identify leadership styles and compare their strengths at individual, organisational and collective levels 

  • Build our leadership pathway as a sustainability practitioner

Sustainability Leadership Skills Prices

​​Pay What You Can 

​We are excited to offer up to 15 places on a Pay What You Can basis to passionate, inspiring and proactive individuals to join the New Year 2025 programme, starting 29 January 2025. You can find out more and apply here.  


Other routes to join:


CPD pathway for those funded by their place of work or study. 

To join via this route, please email us at


We regularly deliver this as a private training for organisations or students. Please email us to have an exploratory call.


Future Leaders pathway for self-funded individuals.


If you are career transitioning or without work, we offer a number of Pay What You Can spaces to support accessibility. Reach out to us for more information.​


Ready to start your sustainability leadership journey?


The programme is supported by the CIWM and course participants will become eligible for Associate membership on completion. During the programme, they will benefit from free student membership.

‘The Systems Thinking and Creativity sessions were run in person for my postgraduate students. The Change Agents team delivered a highly engaging and interactive workshop over 3 hours. The students thoroughly enjoyed the session (as did I). Not only were the students introduced to new ways of thinking but they also collaborated and bonded over creativity exercises which were built into the session. I will be inviting Change Agents back! Thank you!’

Georgina Gough - UWE

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