Systemic Thinking Follow-Up
Are you interested in Conscious Evolution Collage? Tick all that apply.
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Weekday mornings work for me
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Hi everyone, thanks for a great session yesterday! Thank you for your recommendations and insight. Below are notes, links and upcoming events:
The recording is now available on the portal
The Miro board can be accessed here. This is yours so feel free to keep playing with it.
Biodiversity Collage: if you liked systems mapping, join us on March 3rd for our 3-hour Biodiversity Collage. Learn about our impacts, reliance and benefits to nature. Book on TicketTailor.
Conscious Evolution Collage: are you curious about how evolution and culture have led to a polycrisis? This 3-hour interactive and exploratory workshop is for that. If you're interested, please complete the poll or email me with your reply. If enough of you are, I'll set one up to host.
The People & Planet quiz error is resolved. Thank you for pointing that out and sorry for the issue. If you already completed it and got stuck, you don't need to do it again.
Remember you can book support sessions with Alex or myself from the portal.
Now for recommendations:
The 5 Why's exercise resolved the Jefferson Memorials' pigeon challenge. Read about it here.
The Hidden Life of Trees book
Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest book
Next week we'll dive into Ethics, Culture & Decisions. Be ready for more big conversation, I'll see you there!
Take care,