Trevor Gibson
Vice-Chair of the Board, Trustee & Director of CAUK Trading
Trevor has almost thirty years experience in the public sector, most recently as Director of Environment and Community Services at Peterborough City Council, where he was responsible for the strategic management of a wide range of front-line services. Prior to that he held senior positions with Suffolk Coastal District Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council. One constant theme throughout Trevor's career has been a focus on sustainability from high-level strategy to front-line service delivery.
Trevor is currently the Smart City Leadership and Development Manager with Opportunity Peterborough and was part of the Peterborough team which successfully bid to be one of the UK’s four Future City Demonstrators funded by the Technology Strategy Board. He continues develop and deliver the resultant Future Peterborough Programme. A core element of this work is leading the city's ambition to be a truly circular city by 2050.
Trevor regularly speaks at national and international conferences on smart city and circular economy approaches. He chairs the British Standards Institute (BSI) Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Committee which oversees the development of BSI’s suite of Smart City Standards. He also runs his own consultancy business, Environmental Advantage Ltd.